Whether you are looking to start a smuggling empire, get cozy with the military, or simply want to store your fleet of personal aircraft in a giant vacant building, the hangar is a purchasable property in GTA V Online that may be the answer to all of your problems. It also fits nicely with other businesses if you want to try this special trick to make GTA$ 2.4 million in a couple of hours of gameplay

Hangars are purchasable on the Maze Bank Foreclosure website where the player may select one of five potential locations. Each hangar comes with the space to store and customize up to a maximum of 20 Personal Aircraft in addition to a free Cuban 800. They will also gain access to a desktop computer where they will use the Free Trade Shipping Co. App to manage their Air-Freight Business by sourcing and selling cargo.


Hangar Locations

This is a map of the six hangar locations in GTA V Online.
  • LSIA Hangar A17 GTA$ 1,200,000
  • LSIA Hangar 1 GTA$ 1,525,000
  • Fort Zancudo Hangar 3497 GTA$ 2,085,000
  • Fort Zancudo Hangar 3499 GTA$ 2,650,000
  • Fort Zancudo Hangar A2 GTA$ 3,250,000

Fort Zancudo Hangar 3497 is our recommended location due to its overall value. This specific hangar has the most competitive price point, best location, and some other perks.

Those perks are: You can enter Fort Zancudo without a Wanted Level, you get easy and free access to the P-996 LAZER, and free access to the Rhino.

Hangar Customizations

There are many customizations in the hangar in GTA V Online. Here is a picture of the list.

As with any property, there are many customization options in the hangars. Most are purely aesthetic, but some are useful such as the Living Quarters and the Workshop. You can see them all below:

Hangar Style

Select the aesthetics for your hangar.

  • Hangar Style 1 (Free)
  • Hangar Style 2 (+GTA$ 100,000)
  • Hangar Style 3 (+GTA$ 133,500)
  • Hangar Style 4 (+GTA$ 167,000)
  • Hangar Style 5 (+GTA$ 200,500)
  • Hangar Style 6 (+GTA$ 234,000)
  • Hangar Style 7 (+GTA$ 267,500)
  • Hangar Style 8 (+GTA$ 301,000)
  • Hangar Style 9 (+GTA$ 320,000)


Select a lighting style for your hangar. The lighting designs are tailored to the decor you've selected for your hangar, so if you change your hangar style, your lighting may look different.

  • Hangar Lighting 1 (Free)
  • Hangar Lighting 2 (+GTA$ 50,000)

Floor Graphics

If your shoes are the most important part of your outfit, surely the floor is the shoes of your building...

Choose a style for your hangar floor.

  • Hangar Floor 1 (Free)
  • Hangar Floor 2 (+GTA$ 95,000)
  • Hangar Floor 3 (+GTA$ 110,000)
  • Hangar Floor 4 (+GTA$ 125,000)
  • Hangar Floor 5 (+GTA$ 140,000)
  • Hangar Floor 6 (+GTA$ 155,000)
  • Hangar Floor 7 (+GTA$ 170,000)
  • Hangar Floor 8 (+GTA$ 185,000)
  • Hangar Floor 9 (+GTA$ 200,000)

Office Furniture

Upgrade your office furniture.

  • Hangar Office 1 Standard (Free)
  • Hangar Office 2 Traditional (+GTA$ 195,000)
  • Hangar Office 3 Modern (+GTA$ 280,000)

Living Quarters

Add a personal quarters to your hangar if you would like to spawn there and select a style for your bedroom furniture.

  • Hangar Quarters 1 Traditional (+GTA $235,000)
  • Hangar Quarters 2 Modern (+GTA $375,000)


Adds a workshop for you to customize your aircraft.

  • Hangar Workshop (+GTA$ 1,150,000)