Free Item:
- MC Club owners will receive the Blaine County Radio Tee when they login this week.
LS Car Meet:
Prize Ride Weekly Challenge:
- Place top 3 in street races for 5 days in a row to win the Dinka Jester RR.
Vehicles Available to Test Ride:
- Annis ZR350
- Vapid Dominator GTT
- Karin Calico GTF
New Podium Vehicle: The new podium vehicle is the Principe Lectro.
Triple $/RP:
- Adversary Mode - Hasta La Vista
Double $/RP:
- MC Sell Missions from Weed, Document Forgery, and Counterfeit Cash
- Bike Races
Weekly Discounts:
Properties 40% off
- All Clubhouses and Renovations
Businesses 50% off
- All Counterfeit Cash Factories
- All Weed Farms
- All Document Forgery Offices
- Supplies for all MC Businesses
Vehicles 100% off
- All Bicycles
Vehicles 40% off
- Shitzu Hakuchou Drag (GTA$ 585,600)
- Maxwell Vagrant (GTA$ 1,328,400 / 996,300)
- Pegassi Vortex (motorcycle) (GTA$ 213,600)
- MTL Dune (GTA$ 780,000 / 831,000)
Vehicles 30% off
- Vulcar Warrener HKR (GTA$ 882,000 / 661,500)
Time Trial:
- Route 68, Par Time 01:19:00
RC Bandito Time Trial:
- Cypress Flats, Par Time 01:30:00
Twitch Prime Bonuses:
- Vapid Flash GT (GTA$ 335,000)
- Obey Tailgater S (GTA$ 971,750 / 728,812.5)